
Time in Guinea now

luni, 3 iunie, 2024, săptămâna 23

Time zone info for Guinea

UTC +0
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
now 4 ore înaintea locației New York

Time difference
from Guinea

Los Angeles
7 ore
7 ore
5 ore
5 ore
New York
4 ore
4 ore
4 ore
4 ore
São Paulo
3 ore
3 ore
Lagos+1 ore
Londra+1 ore
Johannesburg+2 ore
Paris+2 ore
Zürich+2 ore
Cairo+3 ore
Istanbul+3 ore
Moscova+3 ore
Dubai+4 ore
Mumbay+5,5 ore
Hong Kong+8 ore
Shanghai+8 ore
Singapore+8 ore
Tokio+9 ore
Sydney+10 ore
Compare other time zones

Guinea on the map

Annual average temperatures
for Guinea 1901-2021

Each of the stripes represents one year.
Graphics by Ed Hawkins, using data from Berkeley Earth.
See showyourstripes.info.

The 24 largest cities in

Beyla Boké Conakry Coyah Dabola Dubréka Forécariah Fria Gueckedou Kankan Kindia Kissidougou Koundara Kouroussa Labé Macenta Mamou Mandiana Nzérékoré Pita Siguiri Tondon Tougué Télimélé